I realize few people reading this are going to be able to make it out to Stony Point, NY to see the newest production of Sarah Treem’s play “The How and the Why,” but the Times’ review should encourage all you New Yorkers to hop on a train for Westchester. I normally despise evolutionary biology because I can only read so many books written by pseudo or somewhat legitimate scientists who attempt to explain all gender difference with the oh-so-convincing “But that’s what the cavemen did” argument. Why do men cheat? Because early man needed to spread his seed. Why do women often become attached after sex? Because it behooved early woman to attach herself to one strong mate. Why do girls overanalyze text messages? I’m sure it has something to do with early woman and her need to know which man would provide her with the best dead moose. Basically, 99% of this reasoning is ridiculous and seems based on scientists watching The Clan of the Cave Bear too many times on AMC. But this doesn’t stop some men (and it’s mostly men) from blaming all their flaws on our hominid ancestors as though evolution somehow provides a classier, scientific version of the it-wasn’t-me-it-was-my-penis defense. Continue reading “The Ascent of the Vag”