Global warming autumns are now so common that I no longer find it odd to be wearing a tank top and shorts on a September afternoon (whether it is appropriate for a 29-year-old to don such an outfit is another question entirely). Apparently, television and film are mirroring this climate trend because we are still mired in the late-summer pop cultural doldrums despite having already celebrated Labor Day. Now is, therefore, the perfect time to delve into those books, films, and lesser known television shows that can sustain us until Mad Men returns and the Oscar season officially begins. Continue reading “Weekly Girl Crushes: When You Can’t Watch Mad Men…”
Weekly Girl Crushes
I’m introducing a new feature called NERD ALERT!, highlighting gender-related books, films, and performers that lean more toward the artsy end of the cultural spectrum but will not cause drowsiness or the urge to throw books, DVDs, or performance artists against a wall. (This is what I do when I attempt to read Ezra Pound—nap and then commit violence against paperbacks.) I’ll list five items each week that you should investigate if only to look smarter than everyone else you know. I would say “look cooler,” but who am I kidding? Continue reading “Weekly Girl Crushes”